Leg vitiligo treatment should pay attention to what matters?
发布时间:2016-01-26 浏览次数:345次

Leg vitiligo treatment should pay attention to what matters? Vitiligo is due to the lack of melanin in skin disease, the disease of patients influence the appearance of relatively large, and parts of the incidence of vitiligo is not restricted, got the foot vitiligo must be timely treatment, in the treatment process also has many matters needing attention. Then the treatment leg vitiligo should pay attention to what matters?推荐阅读:

First, the spirit of relaxation, adhere to treatment.

According to statistics about a third of two cases in the onset or development stage lesions with trauma, overwork. Therefore the patients should pay attention to work and rest, in a relaxed mood, to actively cooperate with the treatment. For the treatment of vitiligo perseverance and recovered after consolidate treatment for a period of time helps to prevent recurrence.

Two, to avoid skin trauma.

Such as burns, sunburn, radiation, frostbite, infection may be the reaction to generalized body. Therefore, the disease in the period should not excessive exposure to sun, do not damage the skin, should wear loose - fitting clothes.

Three, diet attention.

Vitiligo patients eat onions, garlic, fish, shrimp, lamb, bamboo shoots, pickled vegetables, pepper, wine, should not eat spinach, spinach contains large amounts of oxalic acid, easy to make the affected area itch, especially seafood and fish, seafood of vitiligo rehabilitation effect is great. Usually as far as possible do not eat vitamin C, eat more beans and soy products, pay attention to outdoor exercise, nor light exposure.

Warm reminder: the above is about the "leg vitiligo treatment note", had vitiligo should be to the regular hospital treatment, do not use, so as not to aggravate the condition or exacerbate the condition. STC vitiligo and two-way system of diagnosis and treatment in our hospital to carry out and in clinical take got satisfactory curative effect, by the patients from! For an individual patient needs in light of its own actual situation, any disease to do early prevention, early detection, early treatment, is to maintain the health is essential. If you still have other question, can click online consulting our experts.